What a day. After rescheduling TWICE due to weather and the flu ... our camp theme shoot came together for the first big event of 2018 and it was SO. FUN! All the perks of camping without any downside (aka no mosquitos) and clean clothes! We ventured all over from the campsite, to the fire for lunch, to the top of the property for some beautiful views and crazy gator rides, and my highest ENO hammock stack to date. Shoutout to Lauren for live filming an almost disaster on that one 😂but I'm happy to share everyone is okay ✌🏽
We drove out past Madison into Belleville to take advantage of 20 acres of beautiful property for our session and it couldn't have been nicer! Perfect weather, amazing hair and makeup stylists, and all these crazy fun junior + senior girls (kinda curious what you send in your new snapchat group) OH! And not to mention the worlds cutest and best behaved prop: Behr, the family dog ❤️ As soon as the tent went up she was inside and wouldn't leave our side the rest of the day!
A HUGE shoutout to all the moms who drove yet one more place, to the girls for being so friendly and outgoing in such a new setting, and to our stylists: The Posh Beauty Bar and Alyssa Breitbach. You girls killed it and we couldn't have done it without you!
Our year is off to an awesome start, and I can't wait for our next shoot this summer!
SENIOR SESSIONS are booking FAST! Now is the time to get your shoot scheduled if you would like photos done between July-October. Know one of the Senior Models? Ask them how to get a discount on your shoot! It's super simply, promise.
And now the hundreds of photos you've all been waiting for!!