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Abby // Tenney + Downtown

Updated: Jan 7, 2023

I'M BACK! And kicking off a long queue of blog posts with a session from 2020 that is extra memorable.

I've known Abby for what feels like forever but is more accurately close to ten years. We did our first session together way back in 2016. It was such a special time, and I'd looked forward to doing her senior portraits ever since.

Finally time, we kicked off her senior shoot at Tenney Park to feature the fall colors and finished around the capitol square. The Madison backdrop will never grow old for portraits!

Abby is kind, quirky, loyal, joyful, gifted, and determined. These are some of my favorite portraits to date, and not just because she is one of my all-time favorite humans. Sun-shiny, stylish, candid + curated, and showcasing a variety of looks and locations, these images are stunning on their own but suit Abby especially well.

Congrats, Abby! Love you no matter what.

Senior Pictures Madison WI Tenney Park
Best Senior Pictures Madison WI
Fall Senior Pictures Madison WI

Fall Senior Portraits in Madison WI

Tenney Park Senior Pictures

Senior Pictures Madison

Downtown Madison Senior Pictures Madison

WI Capitol Photography Senior Pictures

Senior Portrait Madison WI

Fun Senior Pictures in Madison WI



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